Antimicrobial Chemotherapy – Antimalarial Drugs Last updated: 2023/10/24 at 4:39 PM Pharmacology Mentor 98 Views Share 0 Min Read SHARE Quiz on Antimicrobial Chemotherapy - Antimalarial Drugs: 1. Which one of the following drug may be used for prevention of relapse of P. vivax infection: Tetracycline Chloroquine Atovaquone Primaquine None 2. Radical cure is required for malaria caused by: P. falciparum and P. malariae P. falciparum and P. vivax P. vivax and P. malariae P. vivax and P. ovale None 3. First line drug for falciparum malaria in pregnancy is: Tetracycline Quinine Primaquine Chloroquine None 4. Drug of choice for the treatment of a pregnant woman with P vivax malaria is: Artemether Quinine Paracetamol Chloroquine None 5. Tissue schizontocide which prevents relapse of vivax malaria is: Quinine Primaquine Chloroquine Pyrimethamine None 6. Choose the drug whose single oral dose affords clinical cure of uncomplicated malaria caused by chloroquine sensitive/resistant P. falciparum as well as P. vivax: Proguanil Mefloquine Artesunate Quinine None 7. Which of the following antimalarial drugs is a slow acting schizonticide? Artemether Pyrimethamine Mefloquine Quinine None 8. Chloroquine is given as 600 mg loading dose because: It is rapidly absorbed It is rapidly eliminated It is rapidly metabolized It has increased tissue binding None 9. Which antimalarial drug is known to cause neuropsychiatric adverse reaction? Artesunate Artimisnin Mefloquine Quinine None 10. Which of the following can cause hypoglycemia in a patient of severe cerebral malaria on treatment? Halofantrine Chloroquine Mefloquine Quinine None 11. Drug of choice for chloroquine resistant malaria in pregnancy is: Quinine Mefloquine Sulphadoxine + pyrimethamine Artemisinin None 12. Chemoprophylaxis in an Englishman visiting chloroquine and mefloquine resistant malaria region is done with: Primaquine Amodiaquine Doxycycline Hydroxychloroquine None 13. Which of the following drugs can be used for the treatment of chloroquine resistant malaria in children? Doxycycline Tetracycline Clindamycin Chloroquine None 14. The development of resistance to conventional treatment has led WHO to recommend the use of combination therapies containing artemisinin derivative (artemisinin-based combination therapies also known as ACTs). All of the following combination therapies are recommended if such resistance is suspected, except: Artesunate plus mefloquine Artesunate plus pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine Artemether plus lumefantrine Artesunate plus quinine None 15. Radical cure of Plasmodium vivax is by: Chloroquine Primaquine Artesunate Tetracycline None 16. Drug of choice in a patient with severe complicated falciparum malaria is: Quinine Artesunate Artemether Chloroquine None 17. Absorption of which of the following anti-malarial drug increases with food intake? Amodiaquine Lumefantrine Chloroquine Mefloquine None 18. Drug of choice for treatment of malaria due to P. vivax in a 25 year old pregnant female is: Quinine Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine Primaquine Chloroquine None 19. Drug of choice for treatment of chloroquine resistant falciparum malaria is: Quinine Pyrimethamine Primaquine Chloroquine None 20. Which one of the following antimalarial drugs is safe for use in pregnancy? Proguanil Tetracycline Atovaquone Primaquine None 1 out of 20 Feel free to ask questions and provide any feedback/suggestions by filling in the comment box below. Thanks for completing the Quiz! Please note: These MCQs are intended as a general overview of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy - Antimalarial Drugs and are not a comprehensive assessment of the subject. Time's up Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. 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